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How to Get the Best Out of a Window Cleaning Service

Keeping windows clean helps your home or workplace be more energy efficient by letting in sunlight. However, it’s important to use the right tools for your job.

Start by dusting the window frame and sill to remove loose dirt or cobwebs. Then, apply a cleaning solution—dish soap or diluted vinegar works well—to the glass surface. Visit Website to learn more.

The windows on your home let the sunshine in, but they also act as a kind of filter for grime and dirt that floats through the air. This usually ends up on surfaces all around your house, including the porch, roof, and windows. The good news is that this can be cleaned with a basic mixture of water and detergent. This is often all you need to remove dust, dirt, and pollen from your window glass.

It is important to note that pollen is sticky and will tend to remain on your window glass and the surrounding areas of your home, especially when wet. This is why it is so important to keep your windows clean, particularly during the spring when the weather is typically warm and wet.

Keeping your windows clean will also help to reduce the symptoms of seasonal allergies, as well as other types of allergies. For this reason, it is recommended that you try to stick to a regular cleaning schedule. This will prevent the pollen from building up, and will make your cleaning process a lot easier in the future.

In order to remove the stickiness of pollen, it is necessary to wipe your windows before washing them. You should also use absorbent materials, such as newspapers or rags, to dry your windows and window screens afterward. These will prevent the pollen from dripping down onto other parts of your home, such as the floors and furniture.

Another tip for removing pollen from your windows is to use a damp cloth or sponge to remove as much of it as possible. This will prevent the pollen from being pushed into the channels of your windows, which can make it difficult to open and close them.

You should also avoid using ammonia-based cleaners, which can etch or scratch your windows. Instead, a more natural cleaner such as vinegar or lemon juice is a better option. It is also important to avoid using paper towels, which can leave a residue on the surface of your windows. It is best to use lint-free, microfiber towels when cleaning your windows.


Birds are beautiful creatures, and they may come into your home for warmth and food. However, they can become a nuisance when they start to peck at windows and mirrors in your house, especially during breeding season. If you notice bird poop on your windows, it is best to remove this as soon as possible. A window cleaning NY service can help you with this problem by removing the poop before it hardens.

If you have birds that are flying into your windows on a regular basis, it’s important to take steps to reduce this behavior. The first step is to document the issue by taking photos of the birds that are hitting the glass and keeping a log of the numbers and dates. You can also talk to the facilities or maintenance department at your building and ask them what they have found. These people are often responsible for cleaning up the dead birds that hit the windows and may be great allies in collecting data and educating managers about the issue.

Next, you can try to cover the windows from the inside so that they are not visible to the birds. You can use a sheet or piece of cardboard. This will not look good but it will prevent the birds from hitting the window. Another option is to hang strips of tape on the exterior of the window. The American Bird Conservancy recommends using a tape that is meant specifically for this purpose, and it should be spaced no more than two inches apart on the outside surface of the window. You can also use films or other window treatments that improve glass visibility for birds.

One final solution is to move any water sources, potted plants, and potential food items away from the windows. This will also make it harder for birds to entice themselves into your windows by seeing their reflections.

Once you have documented the problem and tried a few of the solutions above, it is time to contact the managers at your building. They may be unaware of the issue and need to be educated about it.


Spiders can be a nuisance for homeowners because they are unwelcome and can pose a bite hazard if disturbed. While spiders are important predators of other pests like flies and roaches, many people prefer not to share their home with these eight-legged creatures. In addition, they can build webs in corners and near windows, obscuring them from view, making it difficult to clean these areas effectively.

Spiders are opportunistic creatures that will move to any available shelter or food source. They are also excellent at finding ways into a home or business, often sneaking in through cracks and crevices. These areas can include window sills, doorways, and the gaps created by utility lines entering a home or office. While caulking and sealing these spaces can help to keep spiders out of an area, it is a good idea to also regularly check and clean them to prevent the critters from entering in the first place.

When it comes to cleaning spiderwebs, a vacuum cleaner with a crevice attachment can be your best friend. Simply attach the tool to your vacuum and suck up any cobwebs you can see. You can also use a lint roller to remove any remaining sticky strands of web.

You can also try spraying a mixture of equal parts water and vinegar or a product containing the natural insecticide pyrethrin to kill any spiders on contact. However, be careful not to spray these products around plants and other sensitive areas.

As for prevention, it is a good idea to regularly declutter your home or business and remove any potential food sources that could attract spiders. This includes washing produce and removing any clutter from outside the house. Regularly cleaning out ducts and vents is also helpful as spiders can enter your home through these air-conditioning systems.

Another way to deter spiders is to use a natural repellent such as cedar chips or blocks. You can purchase these at most hardware stores, and you can spread them along the windowsills and in other areas where you have a spider problem. The scent will discourage spiders and keep them from nesting in your home. As these are nocturnal insects, keeping your windows closed at night and not leaving doors open can also reduce their numbers.


When a window isn’t cleaned regularly, dust can settle in between the slats of blinds or on and around electronics. It can also build up on ceiling fans and light fixtures. These surfaces are often forgotten when cleaning windows. This dust can cause streaks on the glass and can be difficult to remove. A microfiber cloth and some mineral deposit cleaner, such as CLR or Zud, can help remove the deposits from the surface of a window.

The best way to avoid streaks is to dust each window pane before you start washing it. A feather duster will easily remove any excess dirt without scratching the glass, and a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment is perfect for getting into corners. This will ensure your windows look clean and sparkling once they are dry.

It is important to use a microfiber cloth when wiping down your windows, especially after using a cleaning solution. It will remove any excess moisture and prevent water spots. After you finish wiping, it is a good idea to dry each window pane with a lint-free paper towel or microfiber cloth. This will also help you catch any drips and spills before they can stain your windows.

Sometimes marks or stains may appear on a window that looks like it needs to be cleaned, but is actually just a crack or a chip. To determine if the spot is actually damage to the window, tap the glass gently with your fingernail or a pen. If it sounds dull or thudding, then the mark or blemish is probably damage.

Professional window cleaners use a variety of tools and techniques to thoroughly clean your windows. They can get to hard-to-reach areas, such as the tops of doors and windows and the corners of cabinets and mirrors. They can also use a telescoping pole to wipe windows that are higher up, without having to teeter on ladders. Many cleaning companies are insured, so if they accidentally break a window or other surface while cleaning, they will cover the cost of repair.