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Essential Tips For Roof Maintenance

A roof is the primary barrier between a house and the elements. It protects occupants from obvious dangers like weather events and falling tree limbs, but also less-obvious ones such as mold or excessive moisture that can lead to structural damage.

Roof Maintenance

Schedule a professional inspection after significant weather to identify new storm damage. Check for leaking spots in the attic and the exterior walls. Visit https://www.ellingsonroofing.com/ to learn more.

Flashing is a thin layer of water-proof material used to seal roof joints and prevent water intrusion. It’s located at the point where different sections of the roof meet and at penetrations like chimneys, skylights and dormer windows.

A home inspector will look at the flashing to ensure that it is in good condition and is properly anchored to the roof. He will also look for signs of damage to the roof sheathing and shingles underneath the flashing. If he finds any, he will recommend repair or replacement.

The inspector will pay particular attention to the flashing at chimneys and other roof protrusions. These areas are more likely to suffer from water damage due to high winds. The inspection will also include examining the flashing at valleys where two sloping parts of the roof meet, as these are also more vulnerable to water penetration. He will also check for deteriorating caulk around the flashing and any gaps or cracks in the caulking that can allow moisture to enter the home.

During the inspection, the inspector will also check the gutters for blockages and debris build-up. Standing water in the gutters can lead to mold and rot and will also interfere with proper roof drainage. If he finds that the gutters are leaking, he will check to make sure the flashing is not damaged.

Many different kinds of flashing are available, and a home inspector will need to understand how to identify each type. He will also need to be familiar with the different ways that flashing can be installed. For example, there are step, counter and valley types of flashing.

Some areas of the roof may have flashing that is hidden behind other roofing materials, and he will need to know how to recognize it. If he can’t determine whether or not the flashing is present, he will need to mention this in his report. He will usually recommend that the flashing be replaced if it is severely corroded, as this can lead to leaks in the future. In some cases, he will simply suggest that the area be checked in the future to see if any moisture problems occur.

Clean the Gutters

Gutter systems are a critical component of your roof system. They help to drain and transport water away from the roof, preventing moisture buildup that can damage your siding and foundations. It’s a good idea to inspect your gutters regularly, particularly after a heavy rain or during the winter. Look for clogs, leaks, and other signs of problems such as rust or holes.

Cleaning your gutters can be a messy job, but it’s a vital part of maintaining your roof. Gutters should be cleared of leaves, twigs, dirt, and debris on a regular basis. Clogged or obstructed gutters can cause water to overflow from the roof, leading to mold and mildew growth and staining your siding and rotting the foundation of your home. It’s a good idea to install gutter guards, which can reduce the number of leaves and twigs that will enter your gutters and make them less likely to become clogged.

Whenever you clean your gutters, it’s also a good idea to flush them out with a garden hose or a pressure washer to remove any dirt and sediment that may have accumulated in the gutters over time. This will help to keep your gutters from becoming clogged and to ensure that the gutters are in good shape for their next use.

While you’re cleaning your gutters, it’s a good idea to check that there aren’t any bird nests in them or around the gutters. This is especially important during the spring, when baby birds will be hatching and raising their young. If you spot a nest, it’s best to call in a plumbing professional so that they can safely remove the nest and its contents without disturbing the babies inside.

It’s also a good idea to trim any trees that are overhanging your roof or touching your gutters. This will prevent them from depositing leaves, twigs, and other debris into your gutters, and it will also help to reduce the likelihood that a tree branch will fall onto or rub against your house during a storm. It’s also a good idea to check the branches that are close to utility lines so that you can be sure they’re not at risk of causing a fire or power outage.

Trim Tree Branches

Tree branches hanging over your roof can cause damage in a storm. If they are too close, they can scrape the shingles, which can lead to leaks or rotting. Trimming them on a regular basis reduces the chance of them falling during a storm and helps protect your home from damage.

Larger branches can be more of a risk than smaller ones. It is best to hire a professional, especially for branches that are very high or over your house. This is a task that requires a lot of skill and experience, so it’s not recommended for homeowners to try on their own. A certified arborist has the necessary training to handle these tasks safely.

When removing a larger branch, it’s important to use proper techniques so the tree can heal properly. First, make a cut on the underside of the branch, traveling a few inches up from where it attaches to the trunk or another branch. Make this cut just outside the branch collar (the slight swelling or wrinkled area where a branch meets the trunk or a thicker branch). This will keep the wound closed without allowing water to penetrate and damage the bark.

Once the undercut has been made, saw through the branch and remove the stub. Next, locate the branch collar. This will be a spot on the side of the limb where there is a slight depression or swell, and the bark is often a little rougher. Cut just outside of this ridge to avoid damaging the collar and to prevent tearing as the branch breaks off.

It’s a good idea to avoid using wound paints or dressings on these cuts, as they can inhibit the healing process. You should also avoid over-pruning, which can result in stress to the tree and encourage lots of upright growth that won’t help it to be a healthy shade tree. Instead, prune to promote more lateral growth. This will allow it to better spread out its branches and provide more shading to the ground below. This also allows for more air circulation and sunlight penetration, which will benefit the health of the tree as a whole.

Inspect the Shingles

One of the most important parts of any roof inspection is examining the shingles. It’s essential to catch shingle damage and other problems as early as possible, since these issues can lead to leaks and expensive repairs later on. A good inspection will involve looking for cracked, dented, or missing shingles, along with signs of moss or algae growth.

Another part of a thorough roof inspection is checking the flashing. This is a layer of galvanized steel that is installed to protect the areas where a roof meets a wall or other feature on the home.

If a flashing is damaged or loose, it will allow water to seep under the shingles and into the home. A professional should repair or replace the flashing to prevent leaks and other damage.

A roofer will also check the shingle roof for damage, such as sagging spots. This can indicate that the roof is aging and needs to be replaced or repaired. The roofer will also look for any shingle edges that are curling up or have creases in them, which is an indicator of moisture build-up under the shingles.

Finally, the roofer will examine the structural components of the roof, such as trusses and rafters. If any are sagging or appear compromised, this could indicate that the roof is at risk of collapsing and should be repaired immediately.

In addition to examining the shingles and other areas of the roof, a professional will also check the gutters for any debris or blockages. Clogged gutters can cause water to flow over the shingles and into the home, which can lead to mold and other problems. A roof inspector will also look for plant and fungus growth on the roof, as this can indicate that the roof is leaking or has been damaged.

Regular roof maintenance is vital to protecting the health and safety of your family. A good roof can last up to 30 years, but it’s important to do regular inspections to identify any issues early on so that they can be addressed before they cause serious problems and expensive repairs.